Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tonight's supper.

Tonight's supper was really good. So good, in fact, that I simply had to drop everything mid-stog, grab my camera, and snap a picture. I knew I'd want to talk about it here. Always thinking ahead, eh?

So here it is.

I had 2 veggie eggrolls and plum sauce with a side of a bunch of shit I threw into a pan and cooked up.

Yes, that's right. I took what I had in my fridge, and I improvised. Shockingly, it turned out to be rather edible. Nay. It was good.

I'm pretty proud of myself. This is, truthfully, the first time I've been so adventurious with a meal. I always know exactly what I'm going to make. I buy the ingredients specifically to make it.

But not tonight. I had some left over brown rice in the fridge that I wanted to use up, and didn't really feel like having it plain. So what the hell? I decided to let my hair down, and go wild.

I put some red and green peppers, yellow onions, mushrooms and pepper in a pan with a drop of oil. Let that cook a bit. Then my rice. I poured some water in the pan too and added some chicken bouillon. Let is simmer until it thickened and voilà. Rice a la Smel.

I almost fell over when I took a bite and it didn't taste like crap. Maybe I should start letting my hair down in the kitchen a little more often!

1 comment:

Mama S said...

Some of my best meals have been ones that I've improvised and made up as I went along, digging out whatever was hanging around in the fridge and needed to be used up. The only problem with 'recipes' like that is that they're never the same way twice!

Keep experimenting! It's fun! :)