Saturday, March 29, 2008

Marvellous mugs.

Oh. my. GOD.

Okay. Bruce and I took a trip into our dearly adored charity garage this afternoon. And... well. Feast your eyes on these puppies:

I got the set of four for a buck. Yep. That's one dollar. Gotta love it.

I think the jugglers are my faves. They kind of remind me of some illustrations from a favorite book when I was a kid.

Now I don't mean to be crass, but I gotta be honest here. I'm happy as a pig in shit over this today. I LOVE these friggin mugs.

Yay!!! :D

Earth Hour 2008.

Yesterday morning I was watching Canada AM and they were talking with someone from the WWF about Earth Hour. I've heard quite a lot about this in the news as of late. Surely you have too.

I had already sort of been thinking about participating in this. Turning off all the lights between 8 and 9 PM on March 29. And as I sat there watching Canada AM yesterday, it dawned on me. If I'm unwilling to turn off all my lights for one hour as a show of support - me, one of the people claiming to give a crap about climate change and global warming - well, then. Maybe there really isn't any hope for us after all.

After the segment was over I went to the website and signed up.


So yeah. Tonight between 8 and 9 PM Bruce and I will be sitting here in a totally pitch black apartment like a couple of dinks. Poor Bruce...... you know, I don't really recall asking him what he thought of that idea! I have, however, promised a game of candlelit cribbage to pass the hour... so I'm sure he'll live. Teehee.

Friday, March 28, 2008


The other night when we moved our bookshelves from the living room to the bedroom, I came across a little square piece of fabric I forgot I had saved. It's from the very first living room chair Bruce and I owned, in our very first apartment back in 2001.

I loved that friggin chair. I wish I had a picture. You'll just have to believe me, it was pretty damn special.

Sadly, we ended up having to throw the chair out last year. The thing was ridiculously old and it literally started to disintegrate before our very eyes. The cat enjoyed using it as a scratching post. In the end, I'm pretty sure this is what brought about its demise.

Well anyway, I found this little square of fabric, and decided to make some sort of art out of it.

I put it in a frame from the Dollar Store. Hung it up in the living room. Done.

... and speaking of done, I'm all done f'ing around. Time to get my article on Jupiter done. Ack! Hoping this post helped get those ol' writing juices flowing... wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Big changes.

New (to me!) living room chair + procrastination + a Bruce to move heavy furniture = BIG CHANGES.

Here's yet another before and after shot, this time of a corner in the living room.

These changes actually make the space seem a little smaller, but I like that. I like that things generally seem focused inwardly now, instead of just towards the television. It feels cozy.

The bookshelves and the fish tank are in the bedroom now, where the blue cabinet thingy used to be.

Which, you know, is a real gem in and of itself. We found it beside a garbage bin behind our old apartment last year. Yes, that's right. All it needed was a coat of paint. And a Nova Scotia tartan!

Ah, but the real star of this show is my new living room chair, spotted at our most beloved charity garage sale while out browsing with Bruce's mother yesterday. It's green and corduroy and it swivels and rocks and... well. It's just about the greatest chair I think I've ever plopped my ass into.

I love it. And the cat loves it, too.


Monday, March 24, 2008

A blast from the past.

I just love blasts from the past, don't you?

Here's a good one from 1987 or so, just before my little brother was born. I was six years old.

Hee hee.

I think I like the drawing of my dad the most. Especially his mustache.

It makes me grin! :)

Backwards day + Aloe vera.

Okay, well.........

I was doing some cleaning a little while ago, and decided to put up a few windows to "air the ol' dump out" as I like to say. I love the smell of the outdoors. I love fresh air. Things can get pretty stuffy in here over the winter since the windows usually stay shut, so I like to open them up for a while whenever it's nice and sunny out. Like today.

It's still kinda cold out there, though... the Weather Network is saying -6°C. I was cleaning the toilet (now there's a fun job for ya), with the bathroom window open, and started to find it a little chilly. I grabbed my hoody sweatshirt thing off of the hook on the bathroom door, and pulled it down over my head.

Yup, backwards. HA!

And I mean, like everyone else, I've done this a time or two before... been in a rush and put a shirt on backwards by mistake... saw the tag... (before leaving the house if I was lucky)... and put it on right again. Not a huge deal.

But this was just so jarring. There would be no leaving the house by mistake with this sweater on backwards. I was shocked when I pulled it down over myself and there was a hood over my face! I laughed outloud.

And then immediately got my camera, and posed for this picture. Look at that! I'm such a ham. :)

Anyway, besides putting my hoody on backwards today, I also got an Aloe vera plant!

After a little re-arranging, he's found a home on top of my desk. I've wanted an Aloe plant for a long time, and I love it. Thanks Linda! :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

One great craft project leads to another.

This morning I finished reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.

I had seen it among the second hand books at Frenchy's a couple of months ago. I hadn't ever read it before, but was familiar with some of Plath's poetry, and her life story... both of which I found interesting. It was $1.50. I had to buy it. And I'm really glad I did. I quite enjoyed it.

I love buying books second hand. It's what I do. Buying books new is some risky business... especially when it comes to fiction. I never really know what to buy and who the heck knows whether I'll like it or not. At 10 or 20 or more bucks a pop, I don't feel good about the risk. I am cheap. This is nothing new.

And quite frankly, screw the library. I love books. I want to own the ones I've read, display them proudly on the shelf. Kind of like keepsakes from the journeys they took me on, you know?

So, yes. Second hand books are awesome. Buying used books is a great way to stumble across something you'd either be unable to afford, or wouldn't have thought to give a chance otherwise. They're cheap, so why not? Plus there's the reusing-someone-else's-old-stuff thing which is always an added bonus.

And now to change the subject entirely. Just for the hell of it. Let's address the subject of this post: One great craft project leads to another.

Now most craft projects will inevitably leave behind some left over supplies. And I never throw them out. You just never know when they might come in handy.

So the faithful reader may remember my fish tank re-decoration, for which I bought some shells and rocks and glass stones at the Dollar Store. I had bought a glass container with a metal lid at the Dollarama that night too, with plans of using it to store popcorn kernels.

That never happened. Instead, this did!


I put some of the left over rocks and shells in the bottom, and sat the little ceramic turtle that I had in my fish tank before the makeover on top. I filled the rest with water and stuck the lid on. He's been sitting on top of my desk for the past few weeks.

And so, the moral of this story is: don't ever throw away those left over craft supplies. You may just come up with something fun that makes you grin. And also, Frenchy's is a great place to buy books. $1.50 is a steal!! :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What's the difference between a fish and a piano?

I love tuna sandwiches, in case you didn't know.

So I made one today for lunch, and it literally blew my mind. It was that good.

Everyone has their own idea of how to make the perfect tuna sandwich. I thought I'd share my version here.


To make this sucker, there are a few specifics you'll need, like:

+ President's Choice Hot & Zesty deli sliced pickles.

I LOVE these things, on all sorts of different sandwiches. They're delish. Chop one of them up and put it in the tuna salad. Gives it a perfect little hint of bite.

Additionally, you'll need some green and red peppers, and yellow onions. Mix all four up in some tuna (I like flaked light in water) with a little bit of Miracle Whip or salad dressing of your choice. Not too much, though. You want to be able to taste the tuna, too!

+ Miracle Whip/mustard mix.
I don't have a picture, because it just looks like miracle whip and mustard mixed together. Picture that. You want about 1 part mustard to 3 parts miracle whip. Spread a bit of this on both pieces of bread. As long as it's in a covered container, this stuff will stay good in the fridge for 3 months. It's great on all sorts of different sandwiches too, like black forest ham or BLTs. Try it!

+ Dempster's 12 Grain Bread.
Or some other hearty bread of your choice. I like to toast the bread a little, especially this time of year.

+ pepper.
Sprinkle some on the tuna just before closing the sandwich.

As far as cutting it goes, you'll notice in the first picture that I'm a big fan of the straight-cut. No fancy diagonally-cut tuna sandwiches for me, please.

And there you have it. Simple. And the best part is, there should be enough tuna salad left over to make another one tomorrow. Woohoo!

And oh. What's the difference between a fish and a piano?

You can't tuna fish! :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The view from my bathroom window.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my camera?

Well, I love it quite a little bit.

Now I'll be the first to admit that I don't know crap about photography, but I don't let that bother me. Not at all. I may not create the subject, but I do create the perspective, the framing, the angle. I choose that unique moment in time to capture. I'm usually pleased with the result. It is art. Instant.

There's beauty in almost everything; you've just got to look at it the right way, at just the right moment.

Like the view from my bathroom window.

No, it's not the ocean. No mountain ranges or pretty trees. I live right in the middle of town. When I look out the window, I see the houses across the street.

So, I was browsing through the photos I've taken since I got my camera at Christmas, and realized I've taken quite a few of the view from my bathroom window. And I actually like the way they came out. Like these ones-

Kind of pretty, for a bunch of houses and power lines.

So, yes. I love my camera. I love the instant gratification of the thing. The imagination that's actually involved. It's a lot of fun.

Oh. And one more. I didn't see beauty when I snapped this picture a couple of months ago. I saw a buttload of snow.

Gah!!! I'm so ready for spring, it isn't even funny........

Friday, March 14, 2008

Happiness is:

What an amazing book. Charles Schulz's very first. It may be an oldie, but jeepers creepers is it ever a goody.

I haven't seen a copy since I was a kid. I would love to get a hold of one. Hm, yet another thing I'll have to start keeping my eyes open for...

"Happiness is a thumb in a blanket.", Schultz writes. "Happiness is an umbrella and a new raincoat."

I always think of this book whenever a simple, little thing makes me happy.

Like this:

Happiness is a macramé owl lit up by the setting sun.

and this:

Happiness is a freshly loaded banana tree.

and this too:

Happiness is a favorite craft project that isn't anything great, but that you're really proud of anyway.


Though his book may appear to be directed towards children, I think adults are the ones who need to remember to appreciate the little things. Like a thumb in a blanket. Or a new raincoat. Or a freshly loaded banana tree.
As Schulz writes: "Happiness is one thing to one person, and another thing to another person." Give it a try! You might like it.

Offhand, Bruce once told me that he sometimes feels like he lives with a Japanese tourist. Teehee. I really do take a lot of pictures....

Happiness is a digital camera for Christmas! :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This is what I like to see.

I walked into the living room earlier to this lovely sight. I just had to grab the camera and snap a picture. It made me laugh out loud.

How foolish.

Believe me. I'd blame this one on Bruce if I could. But I can't. I know very well I was the one who did this. Bruce was at work at the time!

It would seem that it's going to take a while to get used to having coasters around...

Ode to my favorite mug.

Yes. I have a favorite mug. Doesn't everyone?? If you don't, you should really think about getting yourself one. Everything tastes better in a favorite mug. It's a wonderfully odd little thing.

Here's mine!

Found in my parents' attic this past summer. Oh, the drinks that could have tasted so much better over the years whilst this beautiful gem laid dusty and dormant. It almost brings a tear to my eye.

So this post is an ode to my favorite mug.

It's actually not as old as I had thought. It looks to me as though it walked into my parents' attic directly from the 1970s. Not quite so. After a little research, I've found that the first Save-Easy opened in 1959 in Sackville NB. Presumably, then, this mug dates to 1984.

So the mug itself is just about 25 years old now. I actually don't use it as often as I'd like. I'm afraid I'll break it! That would break my heart.

I love it.

And since we're on the subject of mugs, allow me to introduce you to my second favorite mug. Not really deserving of an "ode" but I definitely have to give it a shout-out. :)

Also from my parents' attic. I'm not sure how old this one is, but some quick research tells me it's definitely from a vintage set: Johnson Bros "Hearts & Flowers". The bottom stamp says "dish washer" safe, though, so it's probably about as old as the Save-Easy mug. I'd love to get my mitts on more pieces from the set. Particularly the teapot.

Which is actually available online for 139 bucks. That's a good little bit of money for a teapot. Maybe someday...

If I ever find out about a Save-Easy 25th Anniversary teapot, now boys no price would be too high. Somehow though, I highly doubt such a beast exists. :P

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another before and after.



There's some of that scarf yarn again. No googly eyes this time though.

Yup, so we went to the dollar store the other night to get some pine-sol. As it happened they were all out. Don't you worry, though. I managed to walk out of there with a bagful of shit nonetheless. I always do. :)

Since I don't have a vase I decided to buy one and paint it. See the "After" photo for what I came up with. I think it'll look nice with blue or white flowers in it. Hm.... maybe I'll get some sometime.


I also got a package of 4 glass coasters that I quite like. I don't even want to repaint them! They're great just the way they are.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cats are such very odd creatures.

When we first moved into this apartment, there was a crappy old venetian blind on the bathroom window. It was in pretty rough shape. After keeping my eyes open for a curtain I liked and not finding anything, I decided to make my own.

And by make my own, I mean cut up a sheet, hand-sew the appropriate hems, and hang it on a curtain rod. :)

It ended up working out great, though. I couldn't actually use the sheet on the bed because it was too small. And it was just the right colour that I wanted, too.

So like most cats, ours loves to perch himself on the window sill and look outside. Pretty standard behaviour right there. Ever since I put this home-made curtain up over the bathroom window, though, the cat's been acting like a real weirdo.

Check it out...

This isn't an isolated incident. At least once a day - often, more than once - I'll go in the bathroom to find the cat sitting on the clothes hamper, starring at the curtain.

For hours sometimes.

I find this really odd. When it comes to every other window in the place, he'll push himself behind the curtain so he can sit on the sill and look out. Despite the hamper in front of the window, he's still got full access, so that's not the problem. And it's not as if the curtain is all that see-through or anything. He'd have a much better view if it wasn't in his way. So it just doesn't make any sense. Not even a lick.

I have to admit, walking in on this so often can be pretty jarring - it bothers me a little, to be honest. The same way I'm bothered when he chases his own tail. It just seems so dumb.

He is a cat though, after all, so it is excusable. We all know cats are such very odd creatures...

Now if I were ever to walk in the bathroom to see Bruce doing the same thing, I have to say, I'd be pretty worried.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Is that a Tupperware strainer reading this blog??

Yep. It is.

So my mom had the very same Tupperware when I was a kid. I spotted it today at our previously discussed daily garage sale, sitting there on the shelf, and I didn't even think about it for one second. Even though I already have a perfectly good strainer... I had to have this one.

I'm so glad that I do. It makes me really happy.

And since it has such a special place in my heart, I thought I'd give it a special place at the top of this blog for a little while.

Ain't it great?? :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The most important meal of the day.



Now then: What the hell could this possibly have to do with breakfast??

Well, I'll tell you.

Earlier this evening I decided I really wanted to have some raisin bran for breakfast tomorrow. I LOVE raisin bran, in case you didn't know.

Sadly though, we were all out. There were a couple of other items we needed as well, so this meant a trip to the grocery store.

I sent Bruce in there with a list, while I went to the Dollarama that happens to be next door.


I love the dollar store almost as much as I love raisin bran. I always take my time in browsing the craft isle. It's a neat place to come up with little crafting ideas - especially since everything is a buck!

I saw a bag of pretty river rocks and decided to decorate my fish tank.

I got some rocks, glass stones, and shells for on the bottom. Now, there was a moment of hesitation there, it's true: I wouldn't want my silliness killing the poor things. I washed the rocks and shells with boiling water, though, which put my mind at ease. They'll be fine.

I think it looks much nicer. I may actually end up getting some more mirrors and putting them all the way up to the top. We'll see.

And so there you have it. This whole mess started with me wanting raisin bran.

Who'da thunk!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In the immortal words of Dr. Sam Beckett....

"Oh boy".

So along with the canvases, Bruce also got me a gift certificate from Michaels craft store for Valentine's Day. Last night I decided it was time to go spend some of it. I got a ball of yarn, a crochet hook, and a set of double-pointed knitting needles. And I still have $12 left on the card, so that's pretty exciting.

I have NO idea how to crochet. I don't even have the first clue. Teaching myself will come later, though... First on the menu is learning to knit with the double-pointed needles.

And oh boy.

I had about as much of a clue how to use those needles as I do how to crochet. I looked up some websites for patterns and such. Found one for a pair of mittens as practice. Then I scoured the web for info on how to knit with four needles! I am truly clueless.

I love teaching myself how to do things like this. It feels like a big accomplishment, and I'm even prouder of the resulting project. Sometimes, though, I can't help but think it would be so much easier to just get someone to show me how to do it!

Good lord.

Here's what I have so far...

It looks kind of cuff-like I guess, but truthfully, I hardly know what the heck I'm doing with this. I realized this morning that instead of knitting 2 stitches, purling 2 stitches, I misread the pattern and have been knitting 2 rows, purling 2 rows! HA! So this will end up getting unraveled today and I'll start over right. Rome wasn't built in a day, I suppose....

So this will be my project for the next little while: learning to knit mittens. I'm REALLY nervous about the thumb. AHHHHH!

Wish me luck!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Damn I'm good.

Six days a week here in town there is a huge garage sale; its wares are supplied by donation, and its proceeds go to the charity organization that runs it. And it's a pretty great organization. It's devoted to helping parents of at-risk families learn to provide for their children. They run an adult literacy program. A housing program. They set up scholarship funds. And so on. All benefiting people here in town.

So, I LOVE their garage sale. Since it's entirely donation/volunteer based, the prices are phenomenal. I like that instead of these perfectly good things going to the landfill, I'm able to use them. I like that my money is going to local charity instead of some huge corporation. And I like the uniqueness of most of the treasures there: it's old stuff, with history. You can't find these things in stores. It's gold.

"Shopping" there is actually a really good feeling!

Well, anyway, Bruce and I went Saturday to take a look around. You never know what you'll find.

I found this!

... and a little gold picture frame that I'm sure will appear in this blog at some point or another. Both for two dollars and twenty five cents.

I've been kind of keeping my eyes open for a kettle there for a while. I'd just been heating water up for tea in a little pot. Which worked fine; I didn't feel the *need* to run out and buy a new one or anything. I figured I wouldn't be able to find one I liked anyway.

There were actually two kettles there but I decided on this one. I just liked the way it looked. I got it home and gave some water a good boil to make sure it was clean. And realized... it matches my wallpaper! Like... perfectly!

The blue and red and green stripes... right down to the creamy in-betweenies.

Damn I'm good.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Look Ma, it's half an afghan!


Mom gave me an afghan recipe of Nanny's about a month ago.

Now I don't normally have it on the chair like this, I just put it there for the picture. So don't be deceived. In reality, it's been balled up in a pile on top of my dresser for probably 3 weeks now.

This is the first afghan I've ever tried knitting so I've been feeling quite uneasy about the whole ordeal, especially in the beginning. I underestimated the size I'd end up wanting the thing by about half: as illustrated by the fancy check pattern, which wasn't intentional until I got to sewing the strips together. It's probably big enough to use as a little lap throw kinda thing, but I don't want that. I want a full-sized blanket kinda thing.

Being all out of yarn has seriously slowed the progress of this project. I've just been too lazy/cheap to get more, and that's all there is to it.


I really am going to finish it. Promise!