I was doing some cleaning a little while ago, and decided to put up a few windows to "air the ol' dump out" as I like to say. I love the smell of the outdoors. I love fresh air. Things can get pretty stuffy in here over the winter since the windows usually stay shut, so I like to open them up for a while whenever it's nice and sunny out. Like today.
It's still kinda cold out there, though... the Weather Network is saying -6°C. I was cleaning the toilet (now there's a fun job for ya), with the bathroom window open, and started to find it a little chilly. I grabbed my hoody sweatshirt thing off of the hook on the bathroom door, and pulled it down over my head.

Yup, backwards. HA!
And I mean, like everyone else, I've done this a time or two before... been in a rush and put a shirt on backwards by mistake... saw the tag... (before leaving the house if I was lucky)... and put it on right again. Not a huge deal.
But this was just so jarring. There would be no leaving the house by mistake with this sweater on backwards. I was shocked when I pulled it down over myself and there was a hood over my face! I laughed outloud.
And then immediately got my camera, and posed for this picture. Look at that! I'm such a ham. :)
Anyway, besides putting my hoody on backwards today, I also got an Aloe vera plant!

After a little re-arranging, he's found a home on top of my desk. I've wanted an Aloe plant for a long time, and I love it. Thanks Linda! :)
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