Thursday, March 6, 2008

The most important meal of the day.



Now then: What the hell could this possibly have to do with breakfast??

Well, I'll tell you.

Earlier this evening I decided I really wanted to have some raisin bran for breakfast tomorrow. I LOVE raisin bran, in case you didn't know.

Sadly though, we were all out. There were a couple of other items we needed as well, so this meant a trip to the grocery store.

I sent Bruce in there with a list, while I went to the Dollarama that happens to be next door.


I love the dollar store almost as much as I love raisin bran. I always take my time in browsing the craft isle. It's a neat place to come up with little crafting ideas - especially since everything is a buck!

I saw a bag of pretty river rocks and decided to decorate my fish tank.

I got some rocks, glass stones, and shells for on the bottom. Now, there was a moment of hesitation there, it's true: I wouldn't want my silliness killing the poor things. I washed the rocks and shells with boiling water, though, which put my mind at ease. They'll be fine.

I think it looks much nicer. I may actually end up getting some more mirrors and putting them all the way up to the top. We'll see.

And so there you have it. This whole mess started with me wanting raisin bran.

Who'da thunk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got sent to the Coop with a list. I'm a sucker.

Also, the 2nd fish in the second picture looks like he's shifting between two different planes of existence or something.