Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mum's gift.

SO. The Christmas crafting bonanza has come to its timely end. I didn't end up doing any more decorating after all. Well. Besides re-decorating the tree after it fell over!

No sir. I was totally consumed with crafting Christmas gifts and simply didn't have the time to be messing with silly decorations. Our living room was a pig sty for about two weeks. Things got pretty hairy. I don't know why I always leave stuff so late...

The good news is, though, I finished all of the gifts I wanted to finish, and the recipients seemed pleased with the fruits of my frenzied labor. I took pictures of most of what I made. But of course!

Here's what I gave my mother.

I took a glass canister I already had but wasn't using, and made a label, glued on some vintage buttons and tied some pretty yarn around the lid. Then stuffed the whole thing full of - you guessed right - assorted teas!

The back label:

Some of the teas came from a variety pack I bought. Others, from my own personal stash, which I packaged up and made labels for.

So that's that.

I also made her some earrings! Yep. I've been getting really into making jewelry lately. I'll blog about that later. It's so much fun!!

Unfortunately, I'm a dough head and forgot to take a picture of the actual earrings I gave mum for Christmas. Here's a photo of a "prototype"...

.... "prototype" because they were the first earrings I ever made, and once I figured out how to do it I ran out and bought more, different coloured beads. So she ended up with the light blue ones in the centre of the card, a red pair, and a green pair.

And that's what I gave my mum for Christmas. I think she really liked the gifts. I had a blast crafting them!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Deck the Halls!

Well. I've been crafting like a crazy asshole lately. It's the Christmas Season, and I get extremely crafty around this time of year. Now that I'm an adult, I think it's a big reason why I love the Holidays so much. Gets those crafty juices flowing all over the damn place.

Why haven't I been blogging my brains out, then? Because a lot of my recent doings will be given away as Christmas gifts! And since I'm not sure who's reading this blog and who isn't these days, I really can't take the risk...

But don't worry. Christmas decorations are totally blog-safe. So here's how I've decked our halls thus far:

Our tree!

The popcorn took me two days and a whole lotta mess to string... but it was worth it!

We ended up trimming a few limbs from the bottom of the tree to even it out a little... I've actually worked shearing Christmas trees a summer or two (or three!) in the past, and am stupidly picky when it comes to our own tree.

So I saved the limbs we trimmed... had some popcorn left over and a string of beads I bought LAST year that never made it to the tree... and whipped this up.

I wish I had some more brush for the other doorway! Living in the city, unfortunately, that would mean buying some? Pft. Screw that!

And. A chain of paper gingerbread men I made last night and hung on our tv stand. I think it's kinda cute!

And that, my friends, is a little snippet of what I've been up to lately. I'll be sure to let y'all know of any more halls deckage that may go on here in the next couple of weeks!

Christmas! YAY!! :)