Friday, March 28, 2008


The other night when we moved our bookshelves from the living room to the bedroom, I came across a little square piece of fabric I forgot I had saved. It's from the very first living room chair Bruce and I owned, in our very first apartment back in 2001.

I loved that friggin chair. I wish I had a picture. You'll just have to believe me, it was pretty damn special.

Sadly, we ended up having to throw the chair out last year. The thing was ridiculously old and it literally started to disintegrate before our very eyes. The cat enjoyed using it as a scratching post. In the end, I'm pretty sure this is what brought about its demise.

Well anyway, I found this little square of fabric, and decided to make some sort of art out of it.

I put it in a frame from the Dollar Store. Hung it up in the living room. Done.

... and speaking of done, I'm all done f'ing around. Time to get my article on Jupiter done. Ack! Hoping this post helped get those ol' writing juices flowing... wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Let me try this again...
Only you would frame a scrap of fabric...


shawn said...

I remember that chair!

It looks like Texas.