Saturday, March 29, 2008

Marvellous mugs.

Oh. my. GOD.

Okay. Bruce and I took a trip into our dearly adored charity garage this afternoon. And... well. Feast your eyes on these puppies:

I got the set of four for a buck. Yep. That's one dollar. Gotta love it.

I think the jugglers are my faves. They kind of remind me of some illustrations from a favorite book when I was a kid.

Now I don't mean to be crass, but I gotta be honest here. I'm happy as a pig in shit over this today. I LOVE these friggin mugs.

Yay!!! :D


Anonymous said...

They remind me of "The Clown Of God," too. Pretty cool.

Mama S said...

I, too, have a mug fetish. Must be a genetic thing?

I personally love to troll the dollar store...I've gotten myself some pretty nice puppies there myself...