Thursday, April 10, 2008

Apple head doll: the beginnings.

Earlier today I was doing some cleaning in the kitchen and came across the last of a bag of Red Delicious apples from a couple of weeks ago. Apparently it got crammed behind some other food item on the shelf and forgotten about, because we've bought apples several times since. There was just one left in the bag and it looked old and slightly soggy and quite pathetic. I knew it wasn't going to get eaten, so I was about to toss it.

But I didn't end up throwing it out after all. I decided to try to make an apple head doll with it instead. Yay!

I can only assume that most readers have seen one of these things before. If you haven't, google it! I love apple head dolls. They're really special and so interesting to look at. My mom had two of them on a shelf in the living room when I was little. The image of those dolls are one of my earliest memories. I never actually thought of trying to craft one myself until I saw one that my brother had made a while back. He did a great job. He really inspired me to give it a try myself.

Now of course I really have no friggin clue what I'm doing with this. So I'm not sure how it's going to work out. I did a little bit of research online beforehand... and apparently it takes the apple "several weeks" to dry! That is not good news for someone as impatient as I am! So I thought it might be neat to post a little update now and then to show how it's coming along.

Here's how the apple looks today, hanging by a piece of yarn on a nail in the wall to dry.

Yup. There it is alright. I can't wait to see what it looks like as it dries and wrinkles up. Hopefully it won't mold over and be a total flop!

Making some sort of a body for the thing is going to be pretty interesting. I guess I have a few weeks to give it some thought so I'm not too worried about that part yet....

Watch for more about this Stuff in upcoming weeks! :)

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