Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cat fight!

Back in March I made a blog post about my new chair. The one that's green and corduroy and swivels and rocks, remember? "The cat loves it too", I recall reporting. And Wow. Little did I realize then just how much.

These days, if the cat isn't eating or shitting, he's on the green corduroy chair. Asleep and content as could possibly be. Cats can smile, and our cat smiles when he's asleep on that chair.

And while this is really very cute at first glance, there's a far less cute side of this sordid tale.

I've hardly had a chance to enjoy the chair myself! Cat always in chair is one thing... incredibly possessive cat always in chair is something else all together. The cat thinks the chair is his, and that's the end of it.

Here's the look I usually get when I go to sit in it myself.

It doesn't impress him very much. I'll pick him up and set him on the floor anyway. And sometimes, if I'm not fast enough, he'll jump right back up there again!

So for the past month or so the cat and I have been fighting over the green corduroy chair. Even when I do manage to plop my ass in there, the cat fight isn't over yet. He wants his chair BACK! He'll jump up on the arm. Sit on the back. Misbehave. All a desperate ploy to get my ass outta there, and his back in it.

And he wouldn't even dream of sharing it. Oh, no.

It's really kind of silly. So a lot of the time, I don't even bother trying. It makes the cat happy, and at least he's not scratching it up or climbing the walls or getting himself into the usual cat shenanigans he would be otherwise.

I'm glad he likes it. Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon and I'll get the chance to enjoy it a little bit, too. Gah! Friggin cats.


Anonymous said...

Now, does Bruce like the chair as well as kitty?

Smelanie said...

Not quite. And it's a good thing, too. That would be quite the racket. The two of us fighting over it is more than enough! Hah!

Anonymous said...

Something about the third photograph reminds me of Rambo.