And of course there are plenty of other things I haven't mentioned as well... items placed before I started posting here.
Like this jar I painted a while ago.

I love painting jars.
Well anyway, I decided it was time to change things up a little bit earlier today. Rearrange the crap on my desk, tidy it up some. It's sort of an important space to me. It's where I sit to work at my writing. Atmosphere is important! It's my own, personal space, so I want it to look my own, personal way.
So here's another Before and After for ya. Gotta love Befores and Afters.


A ha ha... okay, so I guess it doesn't look all that different. It's pretty much all the same crap in basically the same spot. It looks pretty different to me, though!
If you look closely enough, you might notice something on top of the desk in the After picture that isn't in the Before. I got it today at... you guessed it! The charity garage sale I'm always going on about.

For two dollars!
I have been keeping my eyes open for a clock to sit on my desk for ages now. It's what inspired me to do some rearranging today, actually.... I didn't have room for it! The one I got is pretty much exactly what I had in mind. I love it. And guess who spotted it? Bruce! Geez. He's good to have around!
And speaking of Bruce and desks and phenomenal purchases at the garage sale, I didn't mention the last thing we got there... about three weeks ago or so. A desk for Bruce, for 15 bucks.

Pretty nice, huh? Lots of drawer space. He loves it.
Hah. Not hard to tell that desk belongs to a guy, huh? There's something about the decor he's chosen that gives it a far more "masculine" look than my own if you ask me. Maybe it's the sparseness. Maybe it's the cribbage board. The funny beer bottle, or the Batman figure. Nope. Not hard to tell that's Bruce's desk at all.
Ha ha ha!
1 comment:
Your lucky you got there first or that clock would be MINE MINE LOL
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