Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Some bad news.

I got some bad news earlier today. Brace yourself.

My dearly beloved charity garage sale is shutting down for good in a couple of weeks.

Shutting down for good.

Ack!!! The faithful reader just might understand how utterly devastated I am by this news. I love that garage sale. I've picked up all kinds of wonderful gems there over the past year and a half. I... I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do without it!

So upon hearing this bad news earlier today I decided I need a little cheering up. I decided to craft myself a new necklace.

I've been wanting to make this sea shell I picked up off the beach last summer into a necklace since, well, I picked it up off the beach last summer!

Yep. It came that way, little hole 'n all. How perfect is that?!

Here's what I ended up with.

Wheeee! There it is alright! I'm pleased with the result. After modeling it for the photo I realized that the clasp has a space so I'll be replacing it in a bit. I think I'll be making the necklace a little bit longer when I do...

But anyway, yeah. I got the job done. I soon forgot about my poor, beloved charity garage sale destined to end all too soon. 'Course now I'm thinking about it again... sniffles...

We'll DEFINITELY be taking a trip in there this weekend to look around. I'll post any findings!


Mama S said...

Well I for one am pissed! Since recent life changes make it appear as though I'm going to be spending more time in your home city, I was hoping to find out where this little gem of yours was located so I could scope it out myself.


Smelanie said...

The bastards!

There IS a pretty cool Salvation Army here, so at least there's that I guess...

PS If we ever run into each other in town, I'll shit my pants. Just so you know. A pre-planned meeting would be a different story of course... feel free to look me up if you're ever in town and looking for a cup of tea/some foolishness! :P