Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I kill house plants.

It's sad, but true. I kill house plants. The poor things never seem to last more than a few months. It's a desperate state of affairs, really.

What's my problem? I'd love to know, too. I always feel really iffy about the watering situation... when to water, how much to water, how often... that kinda stuff. Maybe I water them too much? I don't fuckin' know.

Remember this post from a couple of months ago? Yeah. Except for the African Violet (bless its little heart), all of those plants are dead now.

I may kill house plants, but dammit, I'm determined too. I love having plants around and I'll get this house planting thing down pat sooner or later! I guess it's just gonna take some practice...

Allow me to introduce you to my current crop:

Remember my first Aloe Vera? I over watered it long ago, and the roots rotted off. So this is take two. Bruce gave it to me for my birthday, and to be honest I'm surprised the thing is still alive at all. It's a monster, and top heavy, and it's been knocked over about a million times already. Hopefully it will end up beating the odds anyway... I love Aloe Vera plants!!

A Spider Plant! Isn't it a beauty? My Mum gave it to me when I was home visiting for Christmas. I love this plant, and I hope I don't kill it. I've watered it once since I had it home, and made a note of the watering on the calender. I'm serious this time, boys.

There's the African Violet too, but I wont bother posting a picture of that. It's kinda sad looking. Clinging desperately to life, really...

And oh! I planted a bean in a jar a couple weeks ago. Just for fun. :)

So that's my current greenery. How long will they last? Stay tuned! (and wish me luck!!)


Jason said...

You need your own public access television show.

I'd watch it.

Mornings with Mel!

Mama S said...

Spider plants are notoriously easy to grow. I haven't killed mine yet after several years (and I'm pretty shitty with houseplants, too).

I think that over-watering is a bigger problem than under-watering (at least that's what I was told all those years ago when I worked at the greenhouse).

Good luck! Keep us posted.... :)