I was bound and determined to use whatever I could find around the house for this craft project. First I painted the heads of two bobby pins, and stuck them in the eye holes. Suddenly, I saw a sweet little old lady looking back at me. So then I had to make the body to match.
I wrapped some stuffing around a pipe cleaner, and stuck the head on top. The stuffing, hair and shawl all come from an old cushion my Grandma gave me when I was a kid. It got ripped a while ago - right across the front, the kind of rip you can't repair. And surprise! It's been like that for a year now and I still haven't thrown it away. It was special, and I wanted to make something out of it someday. Most of the cushion is still left so I've crammed it in the back of my craft shelf again to be used for something else at a later date.
The faithful reader has seen her dress before. Only it wasn't a dress. It was a wool sock with the bottom all ripped to shit! I'm not sure why I hadn't thrown it out yet. Just hadn't gotten around to it I guess. I certainly didn't keep it on purpose! I've got all the wool socks now my little heart could desire. With bottoms in tact! [Thanks again, Linda! :)]
Maybe you remember the "trinket box" I painted to match my Mary Poppins Plum Sauce Jar. I still have a couple of those trinket boxes left, so I used one of them as a base so she stands upright, nice and sturdy.
The cane is a twig from a bush outside. The pin holding the shawl together is another bobby pin.
Three weeks later. Done!! :)
Hahaha! I love it!!
Terrific job.
Honestly, it may be the creepiest thing i have ever seen.
Ha ha ha! Ain't it great?!
She's great! I just showed it to Emma - she's been quite interested in your apple head doll pictures since you started it. She said it reminds her of Nanny! hehehehe
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