Up until last month, I was crafting here, there, and everywhere: sometimes while sitting on the living room floor with newspaper spread across the rug... other times, the kitchen counter served as a good work surface. And while this here-there-everywhere approach did
work, it often left little piles of half-finished projects and materials, well... here, there, and everywhere! Most crafts take some time to complete, you see. Such little piles are pretty much inevitable.
So over Thanksgiving weekend Bruce went camping and I had the place to myself. Ahhhh....
I decided to take the opportunity to get some heavy-duty cleaning done. I tackled the kitchen and cleaned and organized it from top to bottom. It was great.
I also set myself up a little art nook in the space beside the fridge and in front of a window!

This is where I craft now. I'm a bit of a neat freak and having a specific spot for my half finished projects and stuff is really nice! It kind of gets the creative juices flowing too, everything I need is right there!
Moral of this story? Get yourself a nook, a spot that's yours to do whatever it is you love. It does the spirit good!
And see what you can do about setting yourself up with a better view...

Hey, I can see the sun shining.... hear pitter-patters on rainy days.... and if I crane my neck enough, a little slice of mother nature too. So I guess this story has
two morals, actually...

Sometimes ya just gotta work with what you've got! :P
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