Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Squirrel Day!

By now you might find yourself wondering "what the f**k is Squirrel Day?"


A few weeks ago I decided to start squirreling away a little bit of money. For what, precisely? I still haven't really decided! I'm thinking it'll end up getting spent on Christmas presents. After that I might decide on some expensive item (a new tv, maybe) to start squirreling towards.

So once I decided to start squirreling away a little bit of money, I figured I should have some special spot to squirrel it in to. Since we don't have any hollow trees in our apartment, I figured a painted jar would be the next best thing.

I did a Google image search and found a cartoon drawing of an extremely neurotic looking squirrel. Ha! Perfect! Took a clean jar from under the kitchen sink where I keep them, my varied assortment of Dollar Store acrylic paints and brushes, and got busy.

THE SQUIRREL JAR, for squirreling away extra spending money that would have otherwise been squandered on random unnecessary JUNK.

Which finally brings us to SQUIRREL DAY, celebrated in our household every Friday for the past few weeks. Simply put, it is the day I put some money in the Squirrel Jar. No coinage allowed! Bills only.

I've squirreled a nice bit of money so far, and it's only been a little while! It feels kinda good!

Happy Squirrel Day, everybody! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! Happy squirrel Day to you too!!!!