could cause this much trouble?

I love how you can even see some of the sock fibers sticking to the nail in that first picture.
Yes indeed. In the floor between the living room and the bedroom and bathroom, there is a nail that sticks up a little. Slowly but surely, every single last sock that I own is being destroyed by this silent, unimposing menace.
It's really quite ridiculous. And outrageously annoying. There I'll be, walking along, minding my own business. And BAM. It snags me. I actually have to stop and take a step back to unhook my sock from its vicious grip. It's really quite nasty.
Why not fix it? Well, that's the real kicker. I don't really know! Because we're both a little lazy I guess is what it all boils down to. And besides. It's not like the nail is right in the middle of a heavy traffic area or anything. It's kind of off to the side. The thing is completely avoidable so long as the walker pays attention to where she is walking.
And yet, here we are. Taking the time out to make a blog post about it instead of, oh you know, trying to fix the friggin thing! The worst part of the entire ordeal is that this nail seems to be particularly hard on wool socks. My favorites!
Hm. With all of that being said, it looks like you all know what to get me for Christmas this year. Nope, not a hammer. A truckload of socks! ;)
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