So today I decided that I really wanted to paint a picture. Of what, I wasn't sure. I knew that would come later. Thankfully I had a canvas on hand so I was able to do 'er up just as the urge struck.
I decided to make something to hang in the kitchen. It is the most neglected room in the apartment as far as decoration goes. But what would make sense in a kitchen? After a little consideration, I decided on a chef. Did a bit of online research and found a print to copy.
Here's how he turned out.

I showed it to Bruce when he got home, before it was framed or on the wall. After admiring it for a few moments he said, "Wait... isn't that the wallpaper in here?"
Yes it is!

When we moved in, there was a small square of the wallpaper that's in the kitchen laying on top of the upper cupboards. As soon as I found it I knew I wanted to make some foolish kind of artwork with it to hang on the wall. Today it finally happened. And I like how it turned out.
And oh, nice frame, eh? Came from the Dollar Store. The canvas, too. Have I mentioned lately how much I love the Dollar Store? Hehehe. I love it a lot!
The chef looks like he's jumping out of a wormhole or something.
"I've crossed space and time to bake you FRENCH BREAD!"
-Italian Space Chef
Tee hee.
Actually, it's a vortex. Do try to keep up.
I wonder if he came across the fish shifting between planes of existence during his travels...
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