By now you're probably dying of curiosity. Well, here's what happened...
Last week I picked up a couple of multigrain rolls at the Superstore. They're baked in-store and are like 35cents a piece. It had been a long time since I had one and I had honestly forgotten how much I love them. They make a fine tuna sandwich, let me tell you.

So the two I bought were gone in a couple of days, and I spent the whole rest of the week looking forward to getting some more. We go grocery shopping on Saturdays. Today was the day.
I was really excited.
And they were all out!! I couldn't believe it. I gotta be honest.... I was actually pretty disappointed. So I resigned myself to settling for their plain ol' multigrain bread instead and started to continue on with the shopping. And that dear reader is when Bruce swooped in, and saved the day.
He went to the bakery counter. Asked for multigrain rolls (who woulda thunk it was just that easy, eh?). Apparently, he thought he spotted some back there among a bunch of other breads and rolls that hadn't made it to the shelves yet. Apparently, he was right!
So there I was, heading towards the meat isle, when I looked back towards the bakery. And there was Bruce, making his way towards me, a wonderful bag of my beloved multigrain rolls in tow. I squeeled "YAY!" and clapped my hands with glee.
I was that happy.
Hopefully none of our fellow grocery shoppers around us were paying attention. But ya know what? I don't really give a crap either way. I have multigrain rolls this week, when I was absolutely sure I had none.
I ate one of them today with tuna salad for lunch and it was great. Thanks again, Bruce. You saved the day!
1 comment:
Thats my boy!!!!
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