But with better lighting.
Hah! Actually, the apple has dried out quite a lot more since last week. It doesn't look all that different, it feels different. Last week it was still pretty spongy and there was some give to it when squeezed. Not now. It feels dry.
I'm going to give it 1 more week I think... and spend that time thinking of what I'm going to do for a body! Ahhh. Hopefully I'll come up with something.
See the painting on the wall I got in the Day 14 shot by mistake? It's a picture I painted last year for Bruce of the two of us as zombies. Yes, zombies. Here's the whole thing.

Bruce really likes zombie movies, see. So that's why I did this. Although I'm not sure why we're green. Or why Bruce has blond hair. That's okay though. I wasn't exactly going for a realistic look....
Hehehe. Apparently that wasn't foolish enough, so a few weeks later I painted him a picture of us as Zombies in Space.

Which hangs in the bedroom too, beside the regular ol' Earth Zombies and, temporarily, the apple doll head.
So there you have it. Day 14 and zombies for your viewing pleasure.
And that's all I have to say about that.
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