I've always wanted to try making a braided rug. So this week, that's exactly what I did. Here it is!

I used 2 pillowcases I picked up at a thrift store for 50 cents a piece, an old pair of brown corduroys, and some fabric from my stash. The entire process was definitely a big learning experience for me... it takes quite a bit of fabric to make one of these puppies! Sewing the braids together is kinda tedious. And it works best if the strips of fabric are at least 2 inches wide... you'll notice my inner braids are foolishly tiny; the outer braids are nice and fat and definitely the way to go next time.

Being a practice run 'n all, I didn't make it very big. For now, it's found a place in my living room, beneath a white wicker stand.

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with this little learning experience of mine, and plan on gathering some rags together and making something larger sometime soon! Yeah!
Very nice...And one a bit larger might make a very nice gift for someone.. Don't you think?
Is that a hint?? LOL
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