Mom gave me an afghan recipe of Nanny's about a month ago.
Now I don't normally have it on the chair like this, I just put it there for the picture. So don't be deceived. In reality, it's been balled up in a pile on top of my dresser for probably 3 weeks now.
This is the first afghan I've ever tried knitting so I've been feeling quite uneasy about the whole ordeal, especially in the beginning. I underestimated the size I'd end up wanting the thing by about half: as illustrated by the fancy check pattern, which wasn't intentional until I got to sewing the strips together. It's probably big enough to use as a little lap throw kinda thing, but I don't want that. I want a full-sized blanket kinda thing.
Being all out of yarn has seriously slowed the progress of this project. I've just been too lazy/cheap to get more, and that's all there is to it.

I really am going to finish it. Promise!
And I noticed that kitty seems to like it, too. Teehee
The title of this post should have been, "Look Ma, It's a Halfgan."
That is all.
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