This is especially important if what you don't have is a pile of money. ;)
A few days ago I got it into my head that I really, REALLY wanted a chalkboard. I didn't figure I'd ever be able to find exactly what I was looking for in a store, and that even if I did it would cost a crap load of money I wouldn't want to spend.

Why, out of a bunch of junk, of course!
I was at work Friday when I remembered an old bulletin bored that had already been in the shop when we moved in, leaning up against the wall in the corner. The frame and backing were sound, but the cork board was a mess. It was just dumb luck that no one had bothered throwing the thing out yet. As with the left over piece of finished sheet board stuff from some work that Bruce's parents had recently done to their porch that was there too.
There I had it. All the junk I needed. And being in a shop, a bunch of tools at my disposal, too.
I was cooking with gas now boys.
So Friday afternoon when I should have been, you know, working (so, in fact, don't chalk this one up to "boardom" at all!)... I crafted myself a chalkboard! Bruce helped (a lot) too. Later on we headed to the hardware store and got a can of chalkboard paint for six bucks, and did 'er up. The next day I painted the frame with some DollarStore burnt umber acrylic, and finished it with a coat of polyurethane varnish I had.
Today we hung it in the kitchen. And WELL.

The ledge is even big enough to hold the chalk; one of those simple little things that just makes me smile from ear to ear.

Yay! :)
1 comment:
Looks Great! I'm sure you'll use it often to write little reminders on..
(I couldn't resist.)
Maybe you can draw a picture of yourself grinning from ear to ear.
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